加拿大覺友                   美玉 (2020年7月)





1999 年,由香港移居多倫多,一年後丈夫因病離世。幾年後,兒子學成回港,我與媽媽相依為命,2016年退休,幾個月後媽媽不能行走,入住安老院,我則先後做過 割除甲狀線、眼角黃膜、白內障等手術;甲狀線手術做得不好,令我很容易抽筋,夜不能𥧌,加上關節疼痛,舉步艱難,痛苦不堪,身心疲憊。2020年,確診 患上乳癌,先後做了化療及左胸切除手術,身體弱不禁風,容易氣喘疲累,腳軟難行。

2022年4月,參加了楊洪老師的靜坐班,首兩周懞懞懂 懂,對老師的說話領會不多,只能坐到8分鐘,要做多次習慣才能勉強多做幾分鐘,後來老師說,不要害怕及阻止發自內心的郁動,才開始改善,靜坐時間慢慢增 長!靜坐期間雜念紛陳,歌曲此起彼落,又不斷自言自語,約三周左右,有影像出現,見到自己,有時還有兩個一前一後,很是活潑;亦有其他片段閃動,身體會不 由自主的郁動!第4周的一次靜坐時,意外地進入了非常美妙的狀態;突然感到無比愉悅,看到自己笑,笑得很開心,身體向後靠,雙手舉起仰面向天,嘴部張開呼 吸,我不知我這個動作維持了多久,沒有倒下,也不覺累!明明閉目,甚麼也看不到,卻感覺自己在笑,是列嘴而笑,並感到在遠處有著無限喜悅,太美妙了,是如 此的開心平靜,真不想醒來!不過後來有兩次靜坐時卻放聲大哭,淚如雨下,但之後感覺很是良好,有點如悉重負變輕鬆!




Translation  (translation team)

Written by: Canadian meditator May Yuk (July, 2020)

My feeling as beginners of meditation


I am so lucky to be able to participate in this All-Stages meditation class.  In just 3 months, it makes me feel like I have progressed into another stage of my life!

I was born weak and sick, and was abandoned by my parents in less than a hundred days after birth. Fortunately, I met kindhearted people who took me home from the cold wind that I was found weak and silky.  They treated me like jewels and treasures, eat less food, buy less clothes in order to nurture me. Now I am almost 70 years old, and my body is still weak and riddled with many diseases.

In year 1999, I migrated to Toronto from Hong Kong.  A year later, my husband died of illness. A few years later, my son returned to Hong Kong after completing his studies. My mother and I depended on each other. I retired in 2016. After a few months, my mother could not walk and she was then admitted to a nursing home.  I had undergone surgeries such as removal of the thyroid line, corneal membrane, and cataract. As the thyroid line surgery was not done well, that made me prone to cramps, unable to sleep at night, and also the joint pain that made me difficult to walk, I was painful and exhausted. In 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and underwent chemotherapy and left thoracic surgery successively. My body is weak and fragile, gasp for breathe and tired, and the feet are weak and difficult to walk.

In April 2022, I participated in Mr. Yeung Hung’s meditation class. In the first two weeks, I was so incomprehensible, as I didn't understand much of the teacher's words. I could only sit to meditate for 8 minutes. Mr. Yeung encouraging me and told me not to afraid and to stop the restless thinking of my mind, accordingly, It started to improve, the meditation time is gradually increasing! During the meditation, I had a lot of distracting thoughts, songs came and went, and I kept talking to myself. About three weeks or so, some image appeared, I saw myself, and sometimes there were two in tandem, very lively;

There are also other fragments flashing, and my body moved involuntarily! During a meditation in the 4th week, I unexpectedly entered a very wonderful state; I suddenly felt extremely happy, seeing myself laughing, I laughed happily, leaned my body back, raised my arms and to face the sky, opened my mouth to breathe, I don't know how long I kept doing this, I didn't fall down, and I didn't feel tired! I closed my eyes and couldn't see anything, but I felt I was laughing. I laughed and felt infinite joy ahead, so wonderful, so happy and peaceful, I really don't want to wide awake! But later on, it happened twice when I do meditation, in that I burst into tears and cried loud, and the tears fell like rain, but after that I felt very good, and I felt relaxed like dropped off a burden!
After 2 months, the meditation time has increased, and the appearance of images and songs have decreased. Sometimes I feel chaotic, empty, very calm, and sometimes my limbs move, my body shakes, and there are targeted massages and slaps. I totally feel the healing power of meditation: better sleep quality, less cramps, and freedom of body movement! Full of spirit and more cheerful than before!

Meditation is really amazing. As Mr. Yeung said, as long as we persist and work hard, meditation can make us aware of life, change our mentality, be full of positive energy, improve our health, to strengthen and help ourselves, and face every day happily!  I sincerely hope that more people will join the meditation and enjoy life again! We are very fortunate in Toronto that Mr. Yeung does not seek fame and fortune, but teaches heartfully. This is a rare opportunity, and everyone should cherish it!

May Yuk, July 2022