加 拿大覺友                        林雁文  (2022年11月)


因 機緣巧合下報了靜坐班,初時抱著一試之心態,希望課程可以幫到我。頭一個星期後,已微有見效,睡眠有所改善,脾氣沒那麼燥,頭腦也有清明之時,不錯!最近 又發我十幾年舊患的腳及肩,好像有些被針輕輕刺的感覺,不很痛,但很舒服,腳跟及腳較沒有那麼緊,比以前輕鬆些;希望持之以恆,所有新舊傷患會好起來,林 雁文,加油!
 林雁文      2022年11月

Translation  (translation team)
Written by:  Canadian meditator Lam Ngan Man (November 2022)

Magical meditation

I once had insomnia for a period of time. I tried to sleep without closing my eyes for 48 hours in a row. I was very irritable and my head was muddled all day long.

By chance, I signed up for the meditation class. At the beginning, I had the mentality of giving it a try, hoping that the course could help me. After the first week, there has been a slight effect, sleep has improved, temper is not so irritable, and the mind is clearer, not bad! Recently, I found that my feet and shoulders, which have been suffering for more than ten years, feel like being lightly pricked by needles. It is not very painful, but very comfortable. The heels and feet are not so tight, and they are easier than before; I hope to persevere, and all new and old injuries will recover, Lam Ngan Man, add oil!

Lam Ngan Man      November 2022